Name & Description | Price Ex Vat | SMU | In Stock | Cart |
AQUILEGIA Biedermeier Mixed Code:AQU067 100 Mixed Flowers May-Jun. H0.6m S0.4m. Sow Feb-Jun. Unique Early Summer Colour. Beds. Hardy perennial
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
AQUILEGIA Petticoat Pink Code:AQU068 50 Pink/White Flowers May-Jul. H0.6m S0.4m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Early Colour. Cottage/Pot. Hardy Perennial,
| € 4.5815 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
ASTER Duchess Mixed Code:AST235 250 Mixed Flowers Jul-Oct. H0.6m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-May. Large Bloom. Borders/Cutting. Half-Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
ASTER Ostrich Feather Code:AST373 250/Large Richly Coloured Plants. Sow: Feb-May. Flowers: Jul-Oct. H0.6m S0.3m. Cut Flower. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 2.4670 | Packet of Seeds | 17 | |
ASTER Pompon Mixed Code:AST546 250/Vibrant Pompon Shaped Aster Mix.
H0.5m S0.3m.
Sow: Feb-May.
Flowers: Jul-Nov.
Bushy Habit - Cut Flower - Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
AUBRIETA Rich Rose Code:AUB054 Biodiversity.
200 Pink Flowers Mar-Jun. H0.15m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Spring Bulb Partner. Cascading. Hardy Perennial
Pollinator Bee Friendly.
Butterfly Friendly.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
BEGONIA Summer Rainbow F2 Code:BEG069 2000 Mixed Flowers Jun-Oct. H0.23m S0.23m. Sow: Jan-Mar. Border/Edging/Pot. Half Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 5 | |
BERGAMOT Panorama Mixed Code:BER156 75/Nectar Rich Flowering Plants. Sow: Feb-May. Flower: Jun-Sept. H0.9m S0.45m. Scent. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
BLACK EYED SUSAN Susie Mixed Code:BLA041 20/Trailing Yellow/Orange/White Flowering Plants. Sow: Feb-Apr. Flower: H1.2m S0.45m. Half Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.8767 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
BUSY LIZZIE Safari Mixed F2 Code:BUS003 150/Vibrant Summer Flowering Plants. Sow: Feb-Apr. Flower: Jun-Jul. H0.3m S0.3m. Pots. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.8767 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
BUTTERFLY ATTRACTING Mixed Annuals Code:WIL004 Biodiversity.
Assorted Hardy Annuals. Sow: Mar-May. Harvest: Jun-Oct. H0.9m S0.3m. Instant Wildlife Attraction.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
CACTUS Flowers of the Desert Code:CAC001 30 Mixed Varieties. H0.3m S0.1m. Sow/Harvest: Jan-Dec. Fascinating Display. Indoor Perennials.
| € 3.8767 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
CALENDULA Daisy Mixed Code:CAL236 60 Mixed Flowers. H0.2m S0.2m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Compact/Low Growing. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
CALENDULA Funky Stuff Code:CAL387 60 Mixed Flowers. H0.5m S0.5m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Compact/Low Growing. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 3 | |
CALENDULA Oopsy Daisy Code:CAL435 45 Mixed Flowers. H0.2m S0.2m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Compact/Low Growing. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
CALENDULA Orange Flash Code:CAL436 50 Mixed Flowers. H0.6m S0.3m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Compact/Low Growing. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
CALENDULA Playtime Mix Code:CAL548 50/Vibrant Mixed Calendula Plants.
Sow: Mar-May / Aug-Oct.
Flowers: May-Oct.
Single - Double Flowers - Suits Pots/Containers - Wildlife/Pollinator Friendly.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
CALIFORNIAN POPPY Appleblossom Code:CAL513 200/Striking Pink Double Flowering Poppy.
Attractive Feathery Foliage. - Suits Pots/Containers - Hardy Annual.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
CAMPANULA carpatica Blue Code:CAM339 Biodiversity.
1500/Purple-Blue Flowering Var. Sow: Mar-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Aug. RHS Merit. H0.25m S0.3m. Wildlife.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
CERINTHE major Purpurascens Code:CER075 15/ Nectar Rich Flowering Plants. Sow: Feb-Mar. Flower: May-Oct. Glaucous Hue. H60cm. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.8767 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
CORNFLOWER Black Ball Code:COR547 250 Tall Burgundy-Double Flowers. H1m S0.5m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Sept. Borders. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
CORNFLOWER Classic Fantastic Code:COR447 250 Tall Blue-Double Flowers. H1m S0.5m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Sept. Borders. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
COSMOS Candy Stripe Code:COS037 60 Seeds. Sow: Feb-May. Flowers: Jun-Oct. H1.2m S0.45m. Easy Reliable Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 5 | |
COSMOS Dwarf Sensation Mixed Code:COS035 120 Mixed Plants. Sow: Feb-May. Flowers: Jun-Oct. H1.5m S0.5m. Easy Reliable Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 5 | |
COSMOS Seashells Mixed Code:COS036 60 Mixed Plants. Sow: Feb-May. Flowers: Jun-Oct. H1.2m S0.45m. Easy Reliable Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 2 | |
COSMOS Sweet Kisses Code:COS049 Biodiversity.
30/Striking Flowering Plants. Sow: Feb-May. Flower: Jun-Oct. H1.2m S0.45m. Wildlife. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 4 | |
COSMOS Xanthos Code:COS050 Biodiversity.
20/Soft Yellow Flowering Plants. Sow: Feb-May Flower: Jun-Oct. H0.6m S0.45m. Wildlife. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 3 | |
DAHLIA Dwarf Double Mixed Code:DAH051 50 Long-Flowering Plants. H1m S0.5m. Sow: Feb-Apr. Flowers: Jul-Oct. Reliable. Half Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
DAHLIA Pompon Mixed Code:DAH288 50 Long-Flowering Plants. H1m S0.5m. Sow: Feb-Apr. Flowers: Jul-Oct. Reliable. Half Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 4 | |
DELPHINIUM High Society Mixed F1 Code:DEL178 25/Tall Rich Flowering Plants. Sow: May-Jul. Flowers: Jun-Oct. H1.5m S0.5m. Wildflower. Cut Flower.
| € 4.5815 | Packet of Seeds | 5 | |
DELPHINIUM Pacific Giants Mixed Code:DEL009 100/Tall Mix. H2.1m S0.6m. Sow: Feb-Jul. Flower: Jun-Oct. Magnificent Elegant Spires. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 4 | |
ECHINACEA Large Flowered Code:ECH147 Biodiversity.
50/Wildlife Attracting Plants.. Sow: Feb-May. Flowers: Jun-Sept. Pink Bloom. Cut Flower. Medicinal.
| € 3.7004 | Packet of Seeds | 2 | |
FORGET ME NOT Mixed Code:FOR020 300/Spring Bulb Companion. H0.3m S0.15m. Sow: Mar-Jul. Purple Flowers: Apr-Jun. Hardy Biennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
FOXGLOVE Alba Code:FOX004 Biodiversity.
. H1.5m S0.5m. Sow: Apr-Jul. Flowers: May-Jul. Wildlife. Hardy Biennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 3 | |
FOXGLOVE Foxy Mixed Code:FOX005 Biodiversity.
1000/Compact Wildlife Loving Plants. Sow: Feb-Jul Flowers: May-Jun. Flowers with early sowing dates.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 2 | |
GAZANIA Sunshine Mixed Code:GAZ004 25/Sparkling Flowering Plants. Sow: Feb-Apr Flower: Jun-Oct. H0.25m S0.25m. Dwarf. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
GERANIUM Mr F's Mophead Mixed F1 Code:GER298 10/Prolific Unique Rustic-Shade Flowers Jun-Sept. H0.3m S03m. Vibrant Display. Half Hardy Annual. Sun-Semi Shade.
| € 4.5815 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
GRASS Bunny Tails Code:GRA010 200/Dwarf Compact Cream Flowering Plants. Sow: Mar-Aug / Aug-Oct Flowers: Jun-Sept. Dried Flowers.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
HELICHRYSUM Strawflower Mix Code:HEL470 250/Vibrant Strawflower Mix.
H0.9m S0.3m.
Sow: Feb-Apr.
Plant On: May-Jun.
Flowers: Jun-Nov.
Tall Habit - Cut Flower - Dried Flower - Half Hardy Annual.
| € 1.9824 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
HOLLYHOCK Giant Single Mixed Code:HOL004 50 Mixed/Elegant 'Cottage Garden' Plants. H2.5m S1m. Sow: Mar-Jul. Flower: Jun-Aug. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
LARKSPUR Giant Imperial Mixed Code:LAR025 300/Tall Mix. H0.9m S0.3m. Sow: Mar-May. Flower: Jun-Sept. Magnificent Elegant Spires. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
LARKSPUR Hyacinth Dwarf Mixed Code:LAR005 300/Dwarf Mix. H0.5m S0.15m. Sow: Mar-May. Flower: Jul-Sept. Dense Elegant Spires. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
LAVENDER Hidcote Blue Code:LAV576 100 Purple Scented Plants. H1m S0.5m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jul-Sept. Popular Variety. Hardy Shrub.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
LAVENDER Munstead Strain Code:LAV155 150/Purple Scented Plants. H1m S0.5m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jul-Sept. Popular Variety. Hardy Shrub.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
LOBELIA Cambridge Blue Code:LOB065 Biodiversity.
2500/Mixed Trailing Plants. Sow: Jan-Apr. Flowers: Jun-Oct. H0.15m S0.15m. RHS Merit. Wildlife. Reliable Bloom.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
LOBELIA Sapphire Trailing Code:LOB057 2000 Rich-Blue Flowers. Trailing. H0.3m S0.3m. Sow: Jan-Apr. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
MARIGOLD (African) Kee's Orange Code:MAR035 75 Deep Orange Blooms. H0.6m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Apr. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Long Lasting. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
MARIGOLD (French) Code:MAR042 60/Bright French Marigold Plants.
Sow: Feb-Jun.
Plant On: May-Jun.
Flowers: Jun-Oct.
Bright Crested Flowers - Neat Habit - Pots/Containers - Long Flowering Season - Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
MARIGOLD (French) Red Cherry Code:MAR037 Biodiversity.
60/Large Mahogany Red-Gold Flowers. Sow: Feb-May Flowers: Jun-Oct. H0.25m S0.2m. Wildlife. Dwarf. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
Mixed Annuals Quick & Easy Code:MIX028 1g/Vibrant Flowering Plants. Sow: Mar-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. H 0.9m S0.3m. Popular/Less Common Varieties. Annuals.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
MORNING GLORY Grandpa Otts Code:MOR002 30/Blue Climbers. H3m S0.4m. Sow: Mar-Apr. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Self-Supporting. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
MORNING GLORY Party Dress Code:MOR016 30/Early Large Flowering Plants. H3m S0.4m. Sow: Mar-Apr Flowers: Jun/Oct. Vigorous Climber. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
NASTURTIUM (Trailing) African Queen Code:NAS010 25/Mixed Bloom. H1.5m S0.6m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Climber/Groundcover. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 1 | |
NASTURTIUM (Trailing) Gleam Mix Code:NAS013 Biodiversity.
30/Mixed Semi-Double Variety. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Trailing Habit. Wildlife. Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
NASTURTIUM Alaska Mixed Code:NAS016 Biodiversity.
25/Vivid Flowering Plants. H0.3m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flower: Jun-Oct. RHS Merit. Wildlife. Pots. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
NASTURTIUM Alaska Tip Top Red Code:NAS018 25/Eye Catching Nasturtium Plants.
Sow: Feb-Jun.
Plant On: May-Jun.
Flowers: Jun-Oct.
Attractive Marbled Foliage - Pots/Containers - Hardy Annual.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
NASTURTIUM Baby Orange Code:NAS012 Biodiversity.
25/Petite Orange Flowering Plants. H0.3m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Wildlife. Compact Var. Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
NASTURTIUM Collection Code:NAS017 25/Red Flowers H0.5m S0.5m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Patio Tubs/Borders/Beds. Hardy Annual.
| € 5.6388 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
NASTURTIUM Empress of India Code:NAS002 25/Red Flowers H0.3m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Patio Tubs/Borders/Beds. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 5 | |
NASTURTIUM Jewel Cherry Rose Code:NAS011 25 Double/Semi-Double Rose Bloom. H0.3m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 14 | |
NASTURTIUM Jewel Mixed Code:NAS003 35/Mixed Light Double/Semi-Double Bloom. H0.3m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
NASTURTIUM Salmon Baby Code:NAS014 25/Striking Semi-Double Flowering Plants. H0.3m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flower: Jun-Oct. Pots/Borders. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
NASTURTIUM Summer Carousel Code:NAS004 25/Stunning Mixed Bloom. H0.3m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Beds/Patio Tubs. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
NASTURTIUM Tip Top Mixed Code:NAS015 Biodiversity.
25/Vibrant Single Flowering Plants. H0.3m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Jun Flower: Jun-Oct. Dwarf. Wildlife. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
NASTURTIUM Tip Top Velvet Code:NAS005 25/Red Free Flowering Bloom. H0.3m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Poor Soils. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
NASTURTIUM Tom Thumb Code:NAS006 35/Vibrant Single Bloom. H0.3m S0.3m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Poor Soils. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
NASTURTIUM Trailing Mixed Code:NAS007 35/Mixed Bloom. H2.5m S1m. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Climber/Groundcover. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 14 | |
Natures Haven Easy Shady Wildflower Mix Code:NAT027 Biodiversity. Selected Flower Seed. Compost Mix. Shady Mix. Native. Sow: Mar-Oct. Attracts Bees/Butterflies/Beneficial Organisms. Covers up to 6m2.
| € 10.5639 | 1.2KG | 1 | |
Nepeta Cataria - Catmint Catnip Code:CAT016 Biodiversity.
250/Cat Loving Flowering Plants. Sow: Mar-Oct. Flowers: Jun-Sept. H0.7m S0.45m. Wildlife. Hardy Perennial.
| € 2.7753 | Packet of Seeds | 15 | |
NIGHT PHLOX Midnight Candy Code:NIG004 500/Tall Dense Plants. Sow: Jan-Jun. Flowers Jun-Sept. RHS Merit. Evergreen. High Tolerance Level.
| € 3.7004 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
PANSY Cool Summer Breeze Code:PAN008 30/Mixed Shades. H0.5m S0.5m. Sow: Feb-Aug. Flowers: Mar-Oct. Long Lasting Display. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
PANSY Mr F's Early Mixed F1 Code:PAN051 150/Mixed Large Flowers. H0.5m S0.5m. Sow: Feb-Aug. Flowers: May-Oct. Versatile. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.8767 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
PANSY Swiss Giants Mixed Code:PAN009 150/Mixed Large Flowers. H0.15m S0.15m. Sow: Feb-Aug. Flowers: May-Oct. Versatile. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
PENSTEMON Scarlet Queen Code:PEN139 500/Rich-Deep Red Flowers. H0.75m S0.3m. Sow: Jan-Apr. Flowers: Jul-Oct. Long Bloom. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.7004 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
PETUNIA Confetti Mixed F2 Code:PET023 750/Apricot/Purple/Red/White/Red/Pink. Flowers:Jun-Oct. H0.35m S0.25m. Trailing Habit. Deciduous. Sun-Semi Shade.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
PHLOX Moody Blues Code:PHL195 175/Cottage Style Flowering Plants. Sow: Feb-May Flowers: Jun-Oct. H0.25m S0.2m. Dwarf. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
POPPY American Legion Code:POP030 2000/Mixed Vibrant Informal Blooms. H0.5m S0.5m. Sow: Feb-Apr. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
POPPY Dawn Chorus Code:POP034 Biodiversity.
500/Unusual Double Flowers. H0.6m S0.3m. Sow: Mar-May / Aug-Oct Flowers: Jun-Oct. Wildlife. Cottage Borders.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
POPPY Iceland Mixed Code:POP008 2000/Mixed Vibrant Informal Blooms. H0.45m S0.2m. Sow: Feb-Apr. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
POPPY Ladybird Code:POP031 2000/Mixed Vibrant Informal Blooms. H0.5m S0.5m. Sow: Feb-Apr. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
POPPY Maanzaad (Bread Seed) Code:POP035 1000/Edible Flowering Plants. H0.9m S0.3m. Sow: Mar-May / Aug-Oct. Flowers: Jun-Sept. Use in Bread/Salad/Curry.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
RAY OF SUNSHINE Sunflower Code:RAY001 75/Huge Yellow Flowers. H2.5m S1m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Sept. Easy/Fast Growing. Hardy Annual.
| € 1.9824 | Packet of Seeds | 14 | |
RHS Flowers for Insects Code:RHS010 Beneficial/Pollinator Attracting Plants. H0.6m. Sow: Apr-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Covers 20-30 sq m.
| € 11.4449 | 20g Seeds | 1 | |
RHS Flowers for Wildlife Cool Mix Code:RHS012 Biodiversity.
Blue/White Nectar Rich Flowers. 0.6m. Sow: Apr-Jun. Flowers: Jun-Oct. Wildlife. Covers:10-20 sq m.
| € 11.4449 | 20g Seeds | 7 | |
RUDBECKIA Aries Code:RUD109 Biodiversity.
500 Bright Yellow Flowering Plants. H0.75m S0.45m. Sow: Feb-May. Flowers: Jul-Oct. Cut Flower. Wildlife.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 5 | |
RUDBECKIA Gloriosa Daisies Code:RUD155 500/Rich Coloured Rudbeckia Plants.
Sow: Feb-May.
Plant On: May-Jun.
Flowers: Jul-Oct.
Late Colour - Lengthy Bloom - Wildlife - Cut Flower - Half Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
RUDBECKIA Marmalade Code:RUD110 Biodiversity.
500/Large Weather Tolerant Flowering Plants. Sow: Feb-May Flowers: Jul-Oct. Wildlife. Cut Flower.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
RUDBECKIA Rustic Dwarf Mixed Code:RUD111 Biodiversity.
500/Mahogany/Amber Flowering Plants. H0.6m S0.45m. Sow: Feb-May Flowers: Jul-Oct. Wildlife. Half Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
SALVIA Blue & White Mixed Code:SAL751 250/Blue & White Mixed Salvia Plants.
Sow: Jan-Mar.
Plant On: May-Jun.
Flowers: Jun-Oct.
Pots/Containers - Wildlife/Pollinator - Half Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
SALVIA splendens 'Blaze of Fire' Code:SAL465 Biodiversity.
100/Hot Red Flowering Plants. Sow: Feb-Mar Flowers: Jun-Oct. Wildlife. Containers/Borders. H30cm.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 4 | |
SCABIOUS St George Code:SCA061 Biodiversity.
35/White-Maroon Flowering Plants. H0.9m S0.25m. Sow: Mar-May Flowers: Jun-Oct. Wildlife. Cut Flower. Borders.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
SUNFLOWER Evening Sun Code:SUN014 50/Prolific Rich Coloured Flowers. H: 1.8m S0.6m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Sept. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
SUNFLOWER Little Dorrit F1 Code:SUN011 25/Prolific Bright Yellow Flowers. H:0.5m S0.5m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Sept. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.7004 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
SUNFLOWER Little Leo Code:SUN004 25/Prolific Bright Yellow Flowers. H: 0.6m S0.45m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Sept. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 3 | |
SUNFLOWER Sun King Code:SUN015 Biodiversity.
20/Large Fully Double Flowering Plants. Sow: Mar-Jun Flowers: Jun-Sept. Wildlife. Tall Stems H180cm.
| € 3.7004 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
SUNFLOWER Sunburst Mixed Code:SUN006 50 Yellow/Orange Yellow. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Sept. H1.8m S0.6m. Quick & Easy. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 5 | |
SUNFLOWER Titan Code:SUN013 Prolific Bright Yellow Flowers. H: 0.5m S0.5m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Sept. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 5 | |
SUNFLOWERS COLLECTION Code:SUN016 20/Compact Fully Double Variety. Sow:Mar-May. Flower: Jun-Oct. RHS Merit. Unusual Border Addition.
| € 5.6388 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
SWEET PEA Bouquet Mixed Code:SWE005 25/Mixed Large Bright Blooms. H1.8m S0.45m. Sow: Jan-May. Flowers: May-Oct. Vigorous Grower.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 1 | |
SWEET PEA COLLECTION Code:SWE040 105/6 Varieties, Dwarf and Tall. Sow:Apr-May. Flower: Jun-Oct. Hardy Annual. Fragrant.
| € 5.6388 | Packet of Seeds | 5 | |
SWEET PEA Galaxy Mixed Code:SWE007 35/Mixed Long Lasting Blooms. H1.8m S0.45m. Sow: Sept-Oct. Flowers: May-Oct. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
SWEET PEA Incense Mixed Code:SWE008 35/Mixed Highy Scented Climber. H1.8m S0.45m. Sow: Jan-May/Sept-Oct. Flowers: May-Oct. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 14 | |
SWEET PEA Lady Salisbury Code:SWE034 20/Classic Cream-Scented Flowering Plants. H1.8m S0.45m Sow: Jan-May / Sept-Oct. Cut Flowers. Trellis/Walls.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
SWEET PEA Old Spice Mixed (grandiflora) Code:SWE009 30/Mixed Blooms. H2.5m H0.5m. Sow: Jan-May/Sept-Oct. Flowers: May-Oct. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 17 | |
SWEET PEA Old Times Code:SWE048 20/Highly Scented Large Flowering Plants.
Sow: Sept-Mar.
Plant On: Mar-May.
Flowers: May-Oct.
Late Flowering - Creamy Green Mauve Shades - Cut Flower - Vigorous Habit - Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
SWEET PEA Painted Lady (grandiflora) Code:SWE035 25/Weather Tolerant Highly Scented Flowers. H1.8m S0.45m Sow: Mar-May Flowers: May-Oct. Climber. Cut Flower.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
SWEET PEA Patio Mixed Code:SWE010 25/Mixed Dwarf Showy Blooms. H0.45m S0.30m. Sow: Jan-May/Sept/Oct. Flowers: May-Oct. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
SWEET PEA Perfume Duet (grandiflora) Code:SWE036 25/ Bicolour Blooms. Heavily Scented. H1.8m H0.45m. Sow: Jan-May/Sept-Oct. Flowers: May-Oct. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
SWEET PEA Singing The Blues Code:SWE012 25/Deep-Pastel Blue Shades. H1.8m S0.45m. Sow: Jan-May/Sept-Oct. Flowers: May-Oct. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
SWEET PEA Twilight Code:SWE039 25/Hardy Scent Flowering Plants. H1.8m S0.45. Sow: Jan-May / Sept-Oct Flowers: May-Oct. Dusky Shades. Cut Flower.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
TAGETES Starfire Mixed Code:TAG004 150/Warm Red & Gold Flowering Plants. Sow: Mar-May Flowers: Jul-Oct. H0.25m S0.25m. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 5 | |
VERBENA Scentsation Code:VER310 50/Compact Verbena Variety.
Sow: Feb-Apr.
Plant On: May-Jun.
Flowers: Jun-Oct.
Striking Scent - Pots/Containers - Cut Flower - Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.7004 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
VIOLA Chicky Chicks Code:VIO094 35/Hardy Perennial. Colourful Flowers. H0.1m S0.15m. Sow: Mar-Sept. Flowers: Feb-Nov
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
WILDFLOWER Centurea scab. Greater Knapweed Code:WIL015 Biodiversity.
100/Nectar Rich Pink Flowering Plants. H0.6m S0.45m Sow: Feb-Jun Flower: Jul-Sept. Wildlife. Cut Flower. Borders.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
WILDFLOWER Cornfield Mixture Code:WIL007 1g/Bright & Beautiful Cornfield Flowers. H0.6m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: May-Sept. Hardy Annuals.
| € 4.5815 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
WILDFLOWER Cornflower Code:WIL008 150/Blue. H1m S0.5m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: Jun-Aug. Butterflies & Bee Attraction. Hardy Annuals
| € 3.8767 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
WILDFLOWER Cowslip Code:WIL013 1g/Bright & Beautiful Cornfield Flowers. H1m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: May-Sept. Hardy Annuals.
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
WILDFLOWER Foxglove Code:WIL014 1g/Bright & Beautiful Cornfield Flowers. H1.2m S0.3m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: May-Sept. Hardy Annuals.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
WILDFLOWER Hedgerow & Verges Code:WIL016 1g/Colourful Flowers for Verges and Banks. Sow:Mar-May, Aug-Oct. Flower: May-Sep. Hardy Annual and Perennial.
| € 4.5815 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
WILDFLOWER Ox Eye Daisy Code:WIL012 Biodiversity.
White Wildlife Flowers. Sow: Feb-Jun. Flowers: May-Sept. H0.6m S0.4m. Deciduous. Sun-Semi Shade.
| € 3.7004 | Packet of Seeds | 1 | |
WILDFLOWER Teasel Code:WIL017 Biodiversity.
150/Architectural Tall Flowering Plants. H1.5m S0.6m. Sow: Jan-Mar Flowers: Jul-Sept (Following Year). Wildlife.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 6 | |
WILDFLOWER Wildlife Mixture Code:WIL005 1g/Mixed Rewarding Blooms. H1.5m S1m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: May-Sept. Hardy Annuals & Perennials.
| € 4.5815 | Packet of Seeds | 12 | |
WILDFLOWER Woodland Mixture Code:WIL006 1g/Mixed Woodland Blooms. H1.2m S0.6m. Sow: Mar-May. Flowers: May-Sept. Hardy Annuals & Perennials
| € 4.5815 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
WILDLIFE Attracting Garden Varieties Mixed Code:WIL018 Biodiversity.
Wildlife Loving Flowering Plants. Sow: Mar-May Flower: Jun-Oct. Scent. Hardy / Half Hardy Annuals.
| € 3.8767 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
ZINNIA Peaches & Cream M Code:ZIN006 .
| € 3.4361 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
ZINNIA Sunbow Mixed Code:ZIN003 75/Bushy Compact Double Flowering Plants. H0.6m S0.3m Sow: Mar-May Flower: Jul-Oct. Cut Flower. Vivid Double Heads.
| € 3.0837 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |