Name & Description | Price Ex Vat | SMU | In Stock | Cart |
ARTICHOKE Green Globe Code:ART021 50/Compact/Attractive/. Sow: Feb-Apr. Harvest: July-Oct. Source of Vitamin C, Folate and Fibre.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
ASPARAGUS Pea Code:ASP030 35/Flavour Similar to Asparagus. Sow: Apr-Jun. Harvest: Jul-Sep. Sweet Crisp Pods.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
AUBERGINE Black Beauty Code:AUB112 150/Early Cropping Variety. Sow: Jan-Apr. Har: Aug-Oct. Prolific Large Purple Fruit. Sheltered Site.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
BASIL Sweet Code:BAS005 650 Large Classic - Best Known Basil. Sow: Jan-Dec. Harvest: Jan-Dec. Pesto/Salad. Half Hardy Annual
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 17 | |
BASIL Thai Code:BAS006 300 Decorative Basil. Sow: Jan-Dec. Harvest: Jan-Dec. Spicy-Mild Aniseed Flavour. Half Hardy Annual.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
BEETROOT Boltardy Code:BEE004 275 Early - Bolt Resistant Crop. Sow:Mar - Jul. Harvest: Jun-Oct. Good Colour/Texture/Flavour.
| € 2.8000 | Packet of Seeds | 19 | |
BEETROOT Moneta Code:BEE017 Sweet Beetroot. Sow: Apr-Jul. Har: Jun+. RHS Merit. Container/Field Grown. Sun-Semi Shade.
| € 2.8000 | Packet of Seeds | 19 | |
BEETROOT Moulin Rouge Code:BEE018 Sweet Beetroot. Sow: Apr-Jul. Har: Jun+. RHS Merit. Container/Field Grown. Sun-Semi Shade.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
BEETROOT Pablo F1 Code:BEE019 275 Early 'Baby Beets'/Main Crop Globe. Sow: Mar-Jul. Harvest: Jul-Oct. Great Taste. Deep Red Flesh.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
BROAD BEAN Aguadulce Code:BRO005 50 Small Tender/Sweet-Broad Beans. H1m. Sow: Feb-Mar. Harvest: Jun-Aug. Approx. 5 Beans Per Pod
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
BROAD BEAN De Monica Code:BRO021 50 Small Tender/Sweet-Broad Beans. H1m. Sow: Feb-Mar. Harvest: Jun-Aug. Approx. 5 Beans Per Pod
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
BROAD BEAN Witkiem (Manita) Code:BRO019 45/Early Cropping Plant. Sow: Feb-May Harvest: Jun-Aug. RHS Merit. Short Pods. Vit C/Fibre/Folate.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 17 | |
BROCOLI Covina Code:BRO018 50/Quality Crops. Sow: Feb+/Jul+. Har: Jun+. Firm Dome Head. Reliable Yields. High Stress Tolerance.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
BRUSSEL SPROUTS Brodie F1 Code:BRU024 40 Resistant Plants. Sow: Mar-May. Harvest: Nov-Feb. RHS Merit. Exceptionally Sweet. Child Friendly.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
BRUSSELS SPROUT Brest Code:BRU046 40/Sweet Mild Sprouts/Modern/Prolific. Sow: Feb-Apr. Harvest: Nov-Feb. Disease Resistant. Source of Vitamin C and Folate.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CABBAGE (Red) Romanov F1 Code:CAB022 30/Sweet/Crisp/Colourful. Sow: Feb-Jul. Harvest: May-Oct. Can Be Eaten Raw or Cooked. Source of Vitamin C and Antioxidants.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CABBAGE (Savoy) Savoy King F1 Code:CAB001 50/Large-Savoy Crop. Sow: Feb-May. Harvest: Aug-Nov. Vigorous. Sweet Taste. Good Winter Hardiness.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
CABBAGE FilderKraut Code:CAB021 50/Large-Savoy Crop. Sow: Feb-May. Harvest: Aug-Nov. Vigorous. Sweet Taste. Good Winter Hardiness.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CARROT (Baby Chantenay) Cascade F1 Code:CAR361 350/Reliable Baby Carrot Var. Sow: Feb-Jul. Har: Jun-Dec. Sweet Taste. Stores Well. Vit A Source.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
CARROT Amsterdam 2 (Solo) Code:CAR362 1500/Long Sweet Smooth Roots.
Sow: Jan-Jul.
Harvest: Apr-Oct.
Early - Extended Season Yields.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CARROT Amsterdam 3 (Sprint) Code:CAR589 1500/Deep Orange-Red Small Cylindrical Roots.
Sow: Jan-Jul.
Harvest: Apr-Oct.
Early - Extended Season Yields.
Suits Large Patio Containers - Vitamin A Source.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CARROT Autumn King 2 Code:CAR120 2000 Long Tapering Roots. Sow: Mar-Jul. Harvest: Jun-Nov. Popular Maincrop Carrot. Good Flavour.
| € 2.8000 | Packet of Seeds | 17 | |
CARROT Chantenay Red Cored 2 Code:CAR121 2000 Stump Roots. Sow Mar-Jun. Harvest Jun-Nov. Early-Maincrop. A Fine Taste/Texture. Small Cores.
| € 2.2500 | Packet of Seeds | 18 | |
CARROT Extremo F1 Code:CAR407 2000 Stump Roots. Sow Mar-Jun. Harvest Jun-Nov. Early-Maincrop. A Fine Taste/Texture. Small Cores.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
CARROT Flyaway F1 Code:CAR209 500 Tapered Roots. Sow Mar-Jul. Harvest Jun-Nov. RHS Merit. Maincrop. Deter Carrot Fly. Sweet Taste
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
CARROT Nantes 5 Code:CAR122 2000 Blunt End Roots. Sow Mar-Jul. Harvest May-Oct. Early Variety. Outstanding Flavour.
| € 2.8000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
CARROT Nerac F1 Code:CAR464 350/High Quality and Broad Variety. Sow: Mar-Jul. Har: Jun-Nov. Reliable and Stores Well. Vit A & Antioxidant Source.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
CARROT on a Tape Nantes 5 Code:CAR365 Unique 6 meter tape containing seed - Easy / Fast Sowing / Fast Growing Variety.
Sow Mar-Jul.
Sow Directly 1.5cm deep - 30cm between rows - Sow at 3-4 week intervals for continuous supply.
Harvest: May-Oct.
Harvest early for baby/salad crop - Suitable for freezer storage.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 17 | |
CARROT Purple Sun F1 Code:CAR408 350/Flavoursome Variety. Sow: Mar-Jul. Har: Jun-Nov. Deep Purple Exterior-Bright Orange Core. Vit A.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CARROT Resistafly Tozresis F1 Code:CAR366 400/Carrot Fly Resistant Crops. Sow: Mar-Jul. Harvest: Jun-Dec. Smooth-Sweet Roots.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CARROT Speedo F1 Code:CAR367 350/Smooth Uniform Roots. Sow: Mar-Jul Har: Jun-Nov. Fast Growing Variety. Winter-Store in dry sand.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CAULIFLOWER Romanesco natalino Code:CAU005 250/Unusual Florets and Crisp Texture. Sow: Apr-Jul. Har: Jul-Dec. Distinctive Flavour. Vit C & Folate Source.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
CELERIAC Neon F1 Code:CEL011 250/Large Roots, Excellent Performance and Reliability. Sow: Mar-Apr. Harvest: Aug-Dec. Raw or Cooked. Vit C Source.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CHARD Bright Lights Code:CHA105 150 Mixed Coloured Stems. Sow Apr-Jul. Harvest Jul-Nov. Decorative Nature. Mild Sweet Flavour.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 19 | |
CHIVES Code:CHI021 750/ Mild Onion Flavoured Leaves. Sow/Harvest: Jan-Dec. Salad. Decorative Flowers. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
CHOY SUM Code:CHO093 500/Flowering Pak Choi Variety.
Sow May-Sept.
Harvest: Jul-Nov.
Lengthy Harvest Time - Cut & Come Again - Vit C & K Source.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CLIMBING BEAN Blue Lake Code:CLI001 100 Juicy Round Pods. Sow Apr-Jul. Harvest Jul-Oct. Very Productive Beans. Vit C / Vit A & Fibre.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CLIMBING BEAN Cobra Code:CLI002 75 Quality Tasting Beans. Sow Apr-Jul. Harvest Jul-Oct. Disease Tolerant. Vitamin A&C- Fibre Source.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CLIMBING FRENCH BEAN Pantheon Code:CLI004 50/Vigorous Disease Resistant Crops. Sow: Apr-Jul. Harvest: Jul-Oct. RHS Merit. Juicy Flat Pods.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
CLIMBING FRENCH BEAN Python Code:CLI005 50/Strong Yielding Crops. Sow: Apr-Jul. Harvest: Jul-Oct. Pots/Containers. Tasty Fleshy Pods.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
CORIANDER Calypso (for leaf) Code:COR548 150/Sweet Feathered Leaves. Sow:Jan-Dec. Har:Jan-Dec. RHS Merit. Quality Yields. Sun-Semi Shade.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
CORIANDER Cilantro (for leaf) Code:COR226 150/ Widely Used Crop. Sow/Harvest: Jan-Dec. Abundant-Lengthy Harvest. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
COURGETTE Black Beauty Code:COU009 10 Prolific Dark Fruiting Crops. Sow: Mar-May. Harvest: Jul-Oct. Vit C Source. Suits Containers/Pots.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
COURGETTE Firenze F1 Code:COU010 10 High Yielding Crops. Sow: Mar-May Har: Jul-Oct. RHS Merit. Fewer Spines. Good Mildew Resistance.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
COURGETTE Primula F1 Code:COU013 10 High Yielding Crops. Sow: Mar-May. Harvest: Jul-Oct. Powdery Mildew and Mosaic Virus Resistance.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
COURGETTE Romanesco Code:COU004 25 Attractive Crops. Sow: Mar-May. Harvest: Jul-Oct. Dinstinct Flavour. Unusual Ridged Fruit.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
COURGETTE Soleil F1 Code:COU012 10/ High Yielding Bright Yellow Crops. Sow: Mar-May. Har: Jul-Oct. Compact. Powdery Mildew Tolerant.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 19 | |
CRESS Fine Curled Code:CRE001 4000 Quick Crops. Sow/Harvest: Jan-Dec. Windowsill Plant. Easy Garnish.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
CUCUMBER Beth Alpha Code:CUC007 40/Prolific Cropping Variety.
Sow: Feb-May.
Plant On: May-Jun.
Harvest: Jul-Oct.
Sweet Baby Cues - Grow indoors (Greenhouse/Tunnel) - Vitamin C Source.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CUCUMBER Louisa F1 Code:CUC005 5 Vigorour Mini Crops. Sow: Feb-May. Harvest: Jul-Oct. Bitter-Free Indoor Var. Vitamin A & C Source.
| € 5.8500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CUCUMBER Saturn F1 Code:CUC006 5 Good Yielding Crops. Sow: Feb-Jun. Harvest: Jul-Oct. Female Var. Start Indoors. Vit C & A Source.
| € 5.8500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CUCUMBER Socrates F1 Code:CUM001 5 Vigorour Mini Crops. Sow: Feb-May. Harvest: Jul-Oct. Bitter-Free Indoor Var. Vitamin A & C Source.
| € 5.8500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
CUCUMBER Telegraph Improved Code:CUC003 5 Vigorour Mini Crops. Sow: Feb-May. Harvest: Jul-Oct. Bitter-Free Indoor Var. Vitamin A & C Source.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
CUCUMBER Telepathy F1 Code:CUC004 10/Early Long Cues. Sow:Feb-May. Har: Jul-Oct. Greenhouse or Cold Frame. Source of Vit A and Vit C.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
DILL Code:DIL003 750 Leaf/Seed Crops. Sow/Harvest: Jan-Dec. Aromatic Sweet Flavour. Hardy Annual.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
DWARF BEAN Ferrari Code:DWA046 100 Flavourful Crops. Sow: Apr-May. Har: Jun-Oct. Slim/Stringless/Fleshy Crops. Disease Resistance.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
DWARF BEAN Tendergreen Code:DWA047 125 Tasty-Reliable Crops. Sow: Apr-Jul. Harvest: Jun-Oct. Suuculent Pods. Fibre/Vitamin A&C Source.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
DWARF FRENCH BEAN Purple Queen Code:DWA075 100/Delicious Heavy Yielding Crops. Sow: Apr-Jun. Harvest: Jun-Oct. Purple Beans-Green Upon Cooking.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
DWARF FRENCH BEAN Rondo Code:DWA067 100/ Dark Green Stringless Crops. Sow: Apr-Jul Har: Jun-Oct. Disease Resistant. Slender Kenyan Type.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
EASY SALAD LEAVES Code:EAS003 Edible. Wildlife. Pollinator. Bee Friendly.
Lambs Lettuce/Land Cress/Mixed Salad Bowl/Mizuna/Mustard Oriental/Rocket. Sow:Mar-Aug. Har:Apr-Oct.
| € 6.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
GREEN MANURE Phacelia tanacetifolia Code:GRE023 Biodiversity.
Wildlife Attracting Green Manure. Sow: May-Sept. Dig: May-Nov. Adds Organic Matter. Covers 15sqm.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
KALE Nero di Toscana Code:KAL005 400/Baby Leaf Var. Sow Mar-Sept. Harvest: Jun-Mar. Unusual Dark Wrinkled Leaves. Vit C & A Source.
| € 2.8000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
KOHL RABI Modrava F1 Code:KOH002 75/High Quality Kohl Rabi Crops.
Sow: Feb-Jul.
Plant Out: May-Jun.
Harvest: Jun-Oct.
Mild Sweet Flesh - Good Bolting/Cracking Resistance - Vitamin C Source.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
LAMBS Lettuce Vit Code:LAM037 500/Cut & Come Again Crops.
Sow: Apr-Aug.
Harvest: Jun-Oct.
Easy To Grow - Tasty Succulent Leaves - Iron/Vit C Source.
| € 2.2500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
LEEK Autora F1 Code:LEE011 30/Non-Bulbing, Mild Flavour. Sow: Jan-Apr. Har: Oct-Dec. Rust Resistant. Vit C, Iron and Folate Source.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
LEEK Navajo F1 Code:LEE010 50 Clean Overwinter Crops. Sow: Mar-May. Harvest: Nov-May. Flavourful. Vit D / Iron / Folate Source.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
LEEK Stromboli Code:LEE012 Allium Porrum 'Stromboli
30/Early Autumn Crops. Sow: Jan-Feb - Apr/May. Harvest: Aug-Oct. Fast Growing - Long Standing. Delicious Mild Flavour. Cold Tolerant.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
LETTUCE Lakeland Code:LET023 750/Large Compact Head. Sow: Mar-Jul. Harvest: Jun-Oct. Heavy-Dark Green Heart & Few Outer Leaves.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
LETTUCE Little Gem Code:LET005 1250/Crisp-Solid Heart. Sweet Dark Green Leaves. Sow: Mar-Jul. Harvest: May-Oct. Classic Mini-Cos.
| € 2.8000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
LETTUCE Lollo Rossa Code:LET006 750/Neat Round Head. Sow: Mar-Aug. Harvest: May-Oct. Frilly-Deep Cut Leaf. Heavily Marked With Red.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
LETTUCE Romaine Ballon Code:LET032 1000/Large Solid Heads, Crisp Texture Sow: Mar-Jul. Har: May-Oct. Exceptional Flavour. Vit C & Vit A Source.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
LETTUCE Salad Bowl Code:LET030 1250/Non-Hearting Head. Sow: Mar-Aug. Harvest: Apr-Oct. Attractive Red-Tinged 'Oak Leaf' Shaped Leaf
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
LETTUCE Salad Bowl Red Code:LET008 1250/Non-Hearting Head. Sow: Mar-Aug. Harvest: Apr-Oct. Attractive Red-Tinged 'Oak Leaf' Shaped Leaf
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
LETTUCE Salad Bowl Red & Green Mixed Code:LET007 1250/Non-Hearting Head. Sow: Mar-Aug. Harvest: Apr-Oct. Attractive Red/Green Oak-Leaf Shaped Leaf
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
LETTUCE Saladin Code:LET031 750 Crisp Dense Heart Crops. Sow: Mar-Jul. Harvest: Jun-Oct. Good Tip Burn Resistance.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
LETTUCE Stylist Code:LET035 200/Quality Crops. Sow: Mar-Jul. Harvest: May-Oct. Crisp Heads. Bolt Resistant. Downy Mildew & Tip Burn Tolerant. Continuous Sowing Every 2-3 Weeks. Vitamin A & C.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
MINT Code:MIN028 1250/Traditional Mint. H1m S1. Sow: Mar-Jun. Harvest: Apr-Nov. Perfect Mint Sauce. Hardy Perennial
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 19 | |
MIXED MESCLUN Code:MIX006 500/Quick Mixed Leaves. Sow: Mar-Aug. Harvest: Apr-Oct. Superb Tastes/Textures. Rich Vit C Source.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
MIZUNA Code:MIZ001 500/Finely Cut Leaves-Edible Shoots. Sow: Mar-Aug. Harvest: Apr-Nov. Harvest Seedling-Plant Stage.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
MUNG BEAN Code:MUN001 1200/Easy to Grow Crops.
Sow: Indoors All Year Round.
Harvest: All Year Round.
Rinse in cold water - Soak For 8 Hours. Use Jar/Seed Sprouter - Ready to harvest in 5-6 days.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
MUSTARD Oriental Ruby Streaks Code:MUS031 350/Baby-Large Leaves. Sow: Mar-Aug. Harvest: Apr-Oct. Easy/Quick Growth. Salads/Stirfrys.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
ONION (Spring) Eiffel Code:ONI030 500/Strong Resistant Crops. Sow: Mar-Aug. Harvest: Apr-Oct. Holds well in the winter. Vitamin C.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
ONION (Spring) Ishikura Code:ONI001 500/Long White Stalks. Sow: Mar-Jul. Harvest: May-Oct. Non-bulbing Salad Onion. Little Waste.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
ONION (Spring) North Holland Blood Red Code:ONI035 500/Easy Onion Crops.
Sow: Feb-Jul.
Harvest: Apr-Oct.
Pick young salad crops or leave to let bulbs mature.
Good Vitamin C Source.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
ONION (Spring) Ramrod Code:ONI002 500/Very Upright Stems. Sow Mar-Sept. Harvest: May-Oct. Summer/Over-Wintering. Vitamin C Source.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
ONION (Spring) White Lisbon Code:ONI003 650/Mild Dark-Green Stems. Sow: Mar-Jul. Harvest: May-Oct. Tasty. Quick/Easy Crop. Salad/Stir-Fries
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
ONION (Spring) White Lisbon Winter Hardy Code:ONI008 650/Hardy Stems. Sow: Mar-Sept. Harvest: Mar-Oct. Overwintering Ability. Suits Harsh Climates.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
ONION Bonus F1 Code:ONI033 650/Hardy Stems. Sow: Mar-Sept. Harvest: Mar-Oct. Overwintering Ability. Suits Harsh Climates.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
ONION Red Baron Code:ONI025 Sharp Burgundy Flattened Bulb. H0.5m S0.1m. RHS Merit. Plant:Jun-Jul. Harvest: Aug+. Sun-Semi Shade.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
OREGANO (Greek) Code:ORE008 1500/ Popular Aromatic Herb. Sow: Jan-Dec. Harvest: Jan-Dec. Lamb/Tomatoes/Cheese. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
PAK CHOI Colour & Crunch F1 Code:PAK003 175/Versatile, Harvest as Baby or Full Size. Sow: May-Aug. Har: Jun-Oct. Crunchy Stems and Salad Leaves. Vit C Source.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
PAK CHOI Green Revolution F1 Code:PAK002 Large Grey-Green Leaves-Tender Stems. Harvest: May-Aug. Organic Matter. Water. Sun-Semi Shade.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
PARSLEY Giant of Italy Code:PAR046 750/Large Flat Leaves. Sow: Jan-Dec. Harvest: Jan-Dec. Versatile & Nutritious. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
PARSLEY Moss Curled 2 Code:PAR047 1000/Ornate-Highly Nutritious. Sow: Jan-Dec. Harvest: Jan-Dec. Long Harvest Season. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
PARSLEY Plain Leaved 2 Code:PAR048 1000/Flavoursome Variety. Sow: Jan-Dec. Harvest: Jan-Dec. Easy To Grow. Salads. Hardy Perennial.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
PARSNIP Countess F1 Code:PAR109 200/Delicious Smooth White Roots. Sow: Feb-May. Harvest: Oct-Feb. Early Variety. Canker-Resistant.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
PARSNIP Gladiator F1 Code:PAR049 200/Delicious Smooth White Roots. Sow: Feb-May. Harvest: Oct-Feb. Early Variety. Canker-Resistant.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 19 | |
PARSNIP Javelin F1 Code:PAR045 200/Productive Uniform Roots. Sow: Feb-May. Harvest: Oct-Feb. Canker Resistant. Vit C/Folate Source.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
PEA (Snap) Delikett Code:PEA053 150/High Yielding Crops.
Sow: Mar-Jun.
Harvest May-Oct.
Crisp Sweet Pods - Good Vitamin C/K/A Source - Suitable for freezing.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
PEA (Snap) Sugar Sprint Code:PEA054 150/Vigorous Mildew Resistant Crops.
Sow: Mar-Jun.
Harvest: May-Sept.
Early Maincrop Variety - Compact Bushy Habit - Hight Yielding - Good Vitamin C/K/A Source.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
PEA Ambassador Code:PEA052 325/High Yielding Disease Resistant Crops. Sow: Mar-Jun Har: May-Sept. RHS Merit. Vitamin C/ K/ B1.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
PEA Kelvedon Wonder Code:PEA025 400/Miniature Ample Dark-Pods. H0.5m. Sow: Mar-Jul. Harvest: May-Oct. Prolific. Successional Sowing.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 18 | |
PEA Onward Code:PEA028 275/Flavoursome Marrowfat Peas. H1m. Sow: Mar-Jun. Harvest: May-Sept. Heavy Cropping Dwarf Variety.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 5 | |
PEPPER (Hot) Padron Code:PEP011 20/Small Fruit/Used in Tapas. Sow: Feb-Apr. Harvest: Jul-Oct. Source of Vitamin C, Antioxidants and Fibre.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
PEPPER (Sweet) California Wonder pepper Code:PEP010 150/Green-Red Bell Crops. Sow: Feb-Apr Har: Jul-Oct. Outdoor-Late & Smaller / Indoor-Larger Crops.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
PEPPER (Sweet) Topepo rosso F1 Code:PEP012 30/Sweet Pepper Crops. Sow: Feb-Apr. Harvest: Jul-Oct. Thick Semi-Round Juicy Flesh. Indoor/Outdoor. Shelter.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
PUMPKIN Atlantic Giant Code:PUM002 10/Large Sized Pumpkin Crops.
Sow: Apr-May.
Plant On: May-Jun.
Harvest: Sept-Nov.
Large Cropping Variety - Allow 90cm Between Crops - Tasty Flesh - Excellent Vitamin A Source.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
RADISH Viola Code:RAD010 250 Large Crisp Crops. Sow: Feb-Sept. Harvest: Apr-Oct. Strong Tops - Easy Harvest. Vit C Source.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
ROCKET Buzz (All Year Round) Code:ROC022 350/Tasty/Fast Growing Crops. Sow: Mar-Aug Harvest: May-Oct. Bolting Resistance. Year Round Supply.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
ROCKET Mixed Code:ROC025 500 Multi-Shaped Leaf Crops. Sow:Mar-Aug. Harvest: Apr-Oct. Cut & Come Again Option. Vit C Source.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
ROCKET Runway Code:ROC017 500/Serrated-Baby/Mature Crops. Sow: Mar-Aug. Har: May-Oct. Distinct Flavour. Vigorous Habit.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
ROCKET WILD Code:ROC023 500/Tangy Flavoured Foliage. Sow: Mar-Aug. Har: Apr-Oct. Container Favourite. Vit C Source.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
ROCKET WILD Tricia (All Year Round) Code:ROC024 50/Tangy Flavoured Foliage. Sow: Mar-Aug. Har: Apr-Oct. Container Favourite. Vit C Source.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 19 | |
ROSEMARY Code:ROS507 75/Aromatic/Flavoursome Herb. Sow: Feb-May. Har: Jan-Dec. Mediterranean Plant. Hardy Evergreen.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
RUNNER BEAN (Dwarf) Hestia Code:RUN016 20/Dwarf Flavoursome Stringless Variety. H0.45m S0.3m. Sow: Apr-Jul. Har:Jul-Sept. High Yields.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
RUNNER BEAN Enorma Code:RUN007 40/Early Yielding - Flavoursome Crops. Sow: Apr-Jul. Har: Aug+. RHS Merit. Enormous Slender Pods.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
RUNNER BEAN Lady Di Code:RUN012 45/Vigorous Heavy Yielding Crops. Sow: Apr-Jul Har: Jul-Oct. RHS Merit. Stringless. Heat Tolerance.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
RUNNER BEAN Polestar Code:RUN003 50/Smooth Fleshy Tasting Pods. Sow: Apr-Jul. Har: Jul-Oct. Long Picking Season. Heavy Yields.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
RUNNER BEAN Scarlet Emperor Code:RUN005 50/Most Popular Bean Var. Sow: Apr-Jul. Har: Jul-Oct. Reliable. Early & Heavy Cropping.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
SAGE Code:SAG019 75/Robust Flavoured Herb. Sow: Feb-May. Harvest: Jan-Dec. Very Popular & Long-Lived. Hardy Evergreen
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
SPINACH (Oriental) Mikado F1 Code:SPI105 500/Vigorous Highly Versatile Crops. Sow: Mar-Sept. Harvest: Apr-Oct. Attractive Mild Flavour. Vitamin C Source.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
SPINACH Cello F1 Code:SPI089 300/Robust Cropping Variety.
Sow: Feb-Aug.
Harvest: Apr-Nov.
Pick Young Salad Leaves - Pick Mature For Cooking - Mildew Resistant - Folate/Vitamin A & C Source .
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
SPINACH Emilia F1 Code:SPI040 300/Fast Growing Baby/Mature Leaf. Sow: Mar-Aug. Harvest: May-Oct. Mildew Resistant. Slow To Bolt.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
SPINACH Helios F1 Code:SPI106 500/Nutritious/Full of Flavour. Sow: Feb-Aug. Harvest: Apr-Nov. Mildew Resistant. Source of Vitamin A and C and Folate.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
SPINACH Samish F1 Code:SPI034 250/Petite Tender Leaves. Sow: Mar-Aug. Harvest: May-Oct. Salad/Main Crop. Good Mildew Resistance.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
SQUASH (Butternut) Sweetmax F1 Code:SQU007 10/Vigorous Early Variety/Large Fruit. Sow: Mar-May. Harvest: Sep-Nov. Vitamin A, C and Folate.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
SQUASH (Summer) Sunburst F1 Code:SQU006 10/Sweet Tasting Crops. Sow: Mar-May. Har: Sept-Oct. Sweet Tasting Fruits. Small Seed Cavity.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
SWEDE Helenor Code:SWE019 750/Sweet High Quality Roots. Sow: May-Oct. Harvest: Oct-Mar. Very Winter Hardy. Vitamin C Source.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
SWEET CORN Golden Bantam Code:SWE049 35/Heirloom Variety Crops.
Sow: Mar-May.
Plant On: May-Jun.
Harvest: Aug-Sept.
A Favourite - Classic Sweet Corn Flavour - Poor Soil Tolerant - Poor Weather Tolerant - High Fibre Content.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
SWEET CORN Rising Sun F1 Code:SWE044 35/Reliable Variety Crops.
Sow: Mar-May.
Harvest: Aug-Sept.
Early Yielding - Extra Sweet Flavour - High In Fibre.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
TAPE PARSNIP White Gem Code:TAP003 ~200/Medium Sized High Yielding Root Crops. Sow: Feb-Apr. Harvest: Oct-Mar. Good Sweet Flavour. Strong Canker Resistance.
6m Tape - Reduces Thinning-Out Process.
Allow 40cm Between Rows.
| € 4.4000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
TARRAGON Russian Code:TAR006 350/Hardy High Yielding Plants. Sow: Mar-May Harvest: May-Oct. Poultry/Fish Dishes. Containers.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
THYME Code:THY067 1000/Unique Flavoured Herb. Sow: Feb-May. Harvest: Mar-Nov. Fragrant Path Edging. Hardy shrub.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
TOMATO Garden Pearl Code:TOM046 Thangy Cherry Var. H2m S0.5m. Harvest: Jul+. RHS Merit. Flowers-Jun+. Deciduous. Sun-Semi Shade.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
TOMATO Moneymaker Code:TOM007 50/Fine Tasting Fruits. Sow: Jan-Apr. Harvest: Jun-Oct. Heavy Cropper. Indeterminate.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 20 | |
TOMATO Red Cherry Code:TOM009 50/Sweet-Juicy Cherry Tomatoes. Sow: Jan-Apr. Harvest: Jun-Oct. Pick From The Garden. Indeterminate.
| € 3.5000 | Packet of Seeds | 7 | |
TOMATO Shimmer F1 Code:TOM056 10/Unique Shaped/Coloured Crops.
Sow: Jan-Mar.
Plant On: Apr-May.
Harvest: Jun-Oct.
Attractive Bronze Gold Colour - Indeterminate Type - Indoors/Outdoors - Vitamin C/Antioxidant Source.
| € 4.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
TOMATO Shirley F1 Code:TOM010 Heavy Cropping Var. H2m S0.5m. Harvest: Jul+. Flowers-Jun. Deciduous. Manure-Water. Sun-Semi Shade.
| € 5.8500 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
TOMATO St Pierre Code:TOM051 100/Large Traditional Variety. Sow: Jan-Apr. Harvest: Jun-Oct. Source of Vitamin C and Antioxidants.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 9 | |
TOMATO Sungold F1 Code:TOM047 10/Sweet,Big,Thin Skinned Crops. Sow: Jan-Apr. Harvest: Jun-Oct. Vitamin C and Antioxidant Source.
| € 5.2000 | Packet of Seeds | 8 | |
TOMATO Supersteak F1 Code:TOM057 10/High Quality Beefsteak Variety.
Sow: Jan-Apr.
Plant On: Apr-May.
Harvest: Jun-Oct.
Full Flavoured - Cool/Warm Greenhouse - Good Vitamin C / Antioxidant Source.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
TOMATO Tigerella Code:TOM058 30/Flavoursome Crops.
Sow: Jan-Apr.
Plant On: Apr-Jun.
Harvest: Jun-Oct.
Eye Catching Striped Medium Fruit - Indeterminate - Indoors/Outdoors - Good Vitamin C/Antioxidant Source.
| € 3.1500 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |
WATERCRESS Aqua Code:WAT015 1000/Crisp-Flavoursome Crop. Sow: Mar-Aug. Harvest: Apr-Nov. Nutritious-Vitamin A & C/Folate Source.
| € 3.9000 | Packet of Seeds | 10 | |